====== blogs ====== Gro people have nowadays great problems getting job , which is without a doubt would compatible their competence unions, second and could propose adequate salaries salary. Sorry these days quite a few people | jobseekers | jobseekers | alumni | graduate school | university graduates | university graduates | people} negatively finds out about this, that even great education not means that [[http://pizzeriagdansk.ovh|pizzeriagdansk.ovh]] just the graduation catch great work. The issue of unemployment by reviews many people is undoubtedly weak . It is therefore not strange that that very much people take more than only one classes , gro people simply leeched or work without a contract to get so much money, they need to be maintained. There are also people who do not work in the profession learned, decide to work below their qualifications just because it is, and they have a chance to get it. These many disappointment also lead to the formation of another phenomenon, also as often discussed as the situation on the domestic labor market. People are leaving en masse outside the country, knowing that their skills in other countries will be rated higher. Some people are afraid worried as there they can do but of what the Internet is and example, , for example, Polish forum in Norway. Poles who have settled in other countries willing to serve are advice and assistance, Dizeki which other people can quickly get used to the new surroundings and know that always have in Sparta someone who understands them and explain everything to them. You have to admit that every Polish forum in Norway is of great interest. Today is not be already hide fact , that amount individuals , that opt in abroad for a better job growing non-stop . neatly professionals , what kind to Polish zakąłdach work can not get reasonable conditions jobs go there, where maybe they will live lepij. I in this way as it merit sake to great effort time i power devoted to getting a diploma and for the sake of that, that to their definitely high frequently qualified. Not so long ago a lot of of claimed that job abroad will only specialists with lower education who just engaged in physical labor. Now Today also much more educated people decide to take this step aware of the fact of that of many things issues such as VAT Norway will have to sooner or later think. Some still still horrified by the thought of separation from his family, not even the closest, losing friends and support maintaining contacts by computer. Some people are afraid to start a company abroad, since does not know how to account for VAT Norway. But But fortunately now there are many places where you can get professional assistance. so that ago, anyone who sees a place for themselves even if even in Norway, can go there without fear. In the end a lot of people have this step has taken several years ago and successfully implementing a visiting native country only from time to time, be to see your loved ones and spend time with them for example holidays. For many people, the way of truly better life, no need to fear it.